October 14, 2016
Posted in Family
October 14, 2016 Table & Fork


As a restaurant consultant who has completed over 50 projects and with over 20 years of experience, I would like to share a list Italian terms for service team.

For a charming and impressive customer service, the restaurant staff needs to be trained extensively. We at TABLEandFORK believe that better customer service will increase sale and we thrive by training the staff for restaurant consultant clients. Our entire training module is focused on Customer Sensitization.

Acciuga Anchovy
Affettati Slice
Affumicata Smoked
Aglio Garlic
Agnello Lamb
Anatra Duck
Aneto Dill
Anche Also
Aragosta Lobster
Arancia Orange
Arrosto Roast
Asparagi Asparagus
Basilico Basil
Bianco e nero White & Black
Boccone Mouthful
Bocconcini Stringy Italian cheese
Boscaiola Woodman style
Bosco Wood
Bruschette Toasted bread with sauces
Bucatini Thick Spaghetti pasta with small hole in the center
Burro Butter
Cacciatora Style
Calamari Squid
Cannellilini Type of bean
CappaSante Scallop
Capra She goat, Nanny goat
Capperi/Capercaillie Capers
Carciofi Artichoke
Carne Meat
Cetriolo Cucumber
Chiffonad/Julienne Julienne
Cioccolato Chocolate
Cipolle Onion
Cipollina Chives
Coscia Thigh, Leg
Cotolette Chop, Cutlet
Cozze Mussels
Crema/Cremosi Cream/Creamy
Crosta Crust
Crostini Toasted bread rubbed with garlic & olive oil
Curato Cured
Diavolo Devil
Erbe Herb
Farfalle Bow or Butterfly Shaped Pasta
Fichi/Fico Figs
Fagioli Beans
Fettucine Pasta(noodles)
Fieno Hay
Forno Oven
Fondante fondue
Fritta Fried
Fregola Peppercorn shaped pasta
Fresco Fresh
Gelateria Ice-cream parlour
Funghi Mushrooms
Gamberetti Prawn
Gorgonzola Blue Cheese
Gnocchi Potato dumplings
Giorno Day
Insalata Salad
Jalapeno Mexican chilly Famous for its bite
Lasagna Layer of pasta
Linguine String shaped pasta which has a rectangular cross- section
Limone Lemon
Macedonia Fruit salad
Magro Thin
Maiale Pork
Marinara Sauce
Manzo Beef
Mattoncini Small bricks/Blocks
Melanzane Aurbergine
Melone Melon
Menta Mint
Miele Honey
Montone Mutton
Mozzarella Cheese
Misti Mix
Olio Oil
Orichiette Eared shaped pasta
Ortolana Pizza Type
Osso Bone
Padella Frying pan
Paglia Straw
Pannacotta Dessert made of cream
Panzanella Salad
Parfait Gelatin &fruit based desert served in a glass by the same name
Parmigiano Parmesan
Patate Potato
Pecorino Sheep’s milk cheese
Penne Pasta
Pepe rosso Red pepper
Pepe Nero Black pepper
Peperoncino Chilli pepper
Peperone Pepper
Petto Breast
Piatto Platter
Piccolo Small
Piselli Peas
Pizetta Small pizza
Polenta Cornmeal porridge
Polpette Meat balls
Pollo Chicken
Pomodoro Tomato
Prezzemolo Parsley
Prosciutto Ham
Primo Sale Italian goat cheese
Quattro Four
Rafano Horseradish
Ragu Meat sauce
Rucola Rocket (Plant)
Ravioli Pasta
Ricotta Cheese
Riso Rice
Risotto Risotto
Rosa Pink
Salami Salame
Sale Salt
Salmone Salmon
Salsa Sauce
Senape Mustard
Scoglio (Rock)
Siego/Frumento Wheat
Sopressa Salami
Spaghetti Pasta
Spiedo Spit (kitchen implement)
Spiedino (Skewer)
Spugnote/Morchella Morel
Suppli Croquette shaped, barrel shaped
Sugo Sauce
Tardi Late
Tartufo Truffle
Tiepido/Fettina Sliver
Timo Thyme
Timballo Mould used for baking vegetables or making a sonffle
Tortelli Pasta
Tiramisu Chocolate, mascarpone, coffeflavoured dessert means “ pick me up”
Torichetti Torch shaped pasta
Vegetali Vegetables
Vaniglia Vanilla
Voldastana Style of valdiosta
Verdure Vegetables
Verdi Green
Vongola (Clam)
Zafferano Saffron
Zuuca Pumpkin
Zucchini Squash(vegetable)
Zuppe Soup
Umbricelli Palm rolled, irregular shaped pasta
Umido Humid

These notes were originally created by my Mentor Mr.AruneshMaiyar, under whom I have trained as a F&B professional, and I hope I will continue his legacy.

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About Table and Fork Consultant Hi, thank you for your time, my name is Anthony, with experience from successful restaurant chains like Diva, Olive and Smoke House Grill and with creativity and innovations as keys we specialize in crafting customized solutions and events that focus on revenue generation and brand building.